Special Needs Tutor Paula

5.0 (1) 1
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Camarillo, CA, USA

About Special Needs Tutor Paula

Special Needs Tutor Paula, Behavior Analyst. What is your biggest concern about your special needs child right now?

Have a FREE 1HR CONSULT with someone who knows what you're going through--I do special needs tutoring, behavioral therapy, social skills coaching, & am mom of my own child w/ASD/ADD/ODD (now grown & independent!). 25yrs+ experience.

CaliforniaCamarilloVentura Countyspecial needs..behavioral therapy


Melissa, Mother of student with ASD/ADHD
Paula has worked with my 14-yr-old son who has autism both recently and when he was younger, just learning to read. My son was in remedial English all last year, but the lessons and learning almost completely stopped in March due to COVID19. I asked Paula to help get him ready for a typical high school English class. My son had a lot of spelling and grammar issues, did not understand some of the assignments, and was only writing 3 sentences when the assignment called for 5 paragraphs. Paula made it fun for my son by gearing her work with him towards subjects that he enjoys. She knows how to draw on his enthusiasm and encourages him to write longer essays, taught him how to edit his work to contain fewer errors, and also helped him learn to make inferences from what he was reading. Paula is an excellent tutor and a very positive, encouraging person. She gives me regular updates on their work and how well my son is doing. She is very easy to work with and puts in hours of preparation for his sessions---I very highly recommend Paula!

Reviews (1)

Melissa, Mother of student with ASD/ADHD
Paula has worked with my 14-yr-old son who has autism both recently and when he was younger, just learning to read. My son was in remedial English all last year, but the lessons and learning almost completely stopped in March due to COVID19. I asked Paula to help get him ready for a typical high school English class. My son had a lot of spelling and grammar issues, did not understand some of the assignments, and was only writing 3 sentences when the assignment called for 5 paragraphs. Paula made it fun for my son by gearing her work with him towards subjects that he enjoys. She knows how to draw on his enthusiasm and encourages him to write longer essays, taught him how to edit his work to contain fewer errors, and also helped him learn to make inferences from what he was reading. Paula is an excellent tutor and a very positive, encouraging person. She gives me regular updates on their work and how well my son is doing. She is very easy to work with and puts in hours of preparation for his sessions---I very highly recommend Paula!
CaliforniaCamarilloVentura Countyspecial needs..behavioral therapy

About Special Needs Tutor Paula

Special Needs Tutor Paula, Behavior Analyst. What is your biggest concern about your special needs child right now?

Have a FREE 1HR CONSULT with someone who knows what you're going through--I do special needs tutoring, behavioral therapy, social skills coaching, & am mom of my own child w/ASD/ADD/ODD (now grown & independent!). 25yrs+ experience.

Our Team

Paula Migliaccio
Behavior Analyst & Special Needs Tutor

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