Harvard Law School Project on Disability

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1585 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

About Harvard Law School Project on Disability

Advancing the understanding of disability law, policy, and education around the world. Our academic work in international and comparative law informs our pro bono activities and, in turn, our pro bono work informs our academic initiatives.

MassachusettsCambridgeMiddlesex Countydisability lawdisability policy
MassachusettsCambridgeMiddlesex Countydisability lawdisability policy

About Harvard Law School Project on Disability

Advancing the understanding of disability law, policy, and education around the world. Our academic work in international and comparative law informs our pro bono activities and, in turn, our pro bono work informs our academic initiatives.

Our Team

Janet E. Lord
Celeste Arrington
Sara Minkara
Special Advisor

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