Connections Counseling Chattanooga

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5726 Marlin Rd # 315, Chattanooga, TN 37411, USA

About Connections Counseling Chattanooga

Rachel Blanton Counselor Providing individual therapy and group therapy in Chattanooga, TN. Working as a counselor and coach for children ages 6+, teens, and adults.

Supporting anxiety, ADHD, executive function, social-emotional (SEL) skills, coping skills, depression, parenting, self-esteem, and perinatal mental health.

TennesseeChattanoogaHamilton Countyspecial education..learning disabilities
TennesseeChattanoogaHamilton Countyspecial education..learning disabilities

About Connections Counseling Chattanooga

Rachel Blanton Counselor Providing individual therapy and group therapy in Chattanooga, TN. Working as a counselor and coach for children ages 6+, teens, and adults.

Supporting anxiety, ADHD, executive function, social-emotional (SEL) skills, coping skills, depression, parenting, self-esteem, and perinatal mental health.

Our Team

Rachel Blanton

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