Imagine Coolidge Elementary

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1290 W Vah Ki Inn Rd, Coolidge, AZ 85128, USA

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About Imagine Coolidge Elementary

Imagine Coolidge Elementary School (ICOE) is a Preschool-5th grade tuition free public charter school located in Coolidge, AZ. Imagine Coolidge Elementary is a highly performing school that strives to support individual student needs.

ICOE is a designated National School of Character and accredited through AdvancED. Our school offers free transportation from the surrounding cities and provides free breakfast and lunch to all students.

ArizonaCoolidgePinal Countycharter schoolelementary education
ArizonaCoolidgePinal Countycharter schoolelementary education

About Imagine Coolidge Elementary

Imagine Coolidge Elementary School (ICOE) is a Preschool-5th grade tuition free public charter school located in Coolidge, AZ. Imagine Coolidge Elementary is a highly performing school that strives to support individual student needs.

ICOE is a designated National School of Character and accredited through AdvancED. Our school offers free transportation from the surrounding cities and provides free breakfast and lunch to all students.

Our Team

Erik Collins

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