Opportunities Collaborative For Special Needs Students, Inc.

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Canavan Hall, 4380 Main St #100, Amherst, NY 14226, USA

About Opportunities Collaborative For Special Needs Students, Inc.

The focus of Opportunities Collaborative for Special Needs Students is to improve the capacity of charter schools and non-public schools across Western New York to ensure that they are equipped to provide high quality supports and services to students with a wide range of learning differences.

New YorkErie Countyspecial needsspecial education
New YorkErie Countyspecial needsspecial education

About Opportunities Collaborative For Special Needs Students, Inc.

The focus of Opportunities Collaborative for Special Needs Students is to improve the capacity of charter schools and non-public schools across Western New York to ensure that they are equipped to provide high quality supports and services to students with a wide range of learning differences.

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