I have two sons that have been going to Shining Stars for almost 2 years. All the therapists are so friendly. And occupational therapist Dawn Vannatta has helped to get my oldest son to graduate from the occupational therapy program. She is willing to work with us when a scheduling issue happens. Thanks Shining Stars for helping my boys!
Reviews (3)
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I have two sons that have been going to Shining Stars for almost 2 years. All the therapists are so friendly. And occupational therapist Dawn Vannatta has helped to get my oldest son to graduate from the occupational therapy program. She is willing to work with us when a scheduling issue happens. Thanks Shining Stars for helping my boys!
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Jack is a new kid since starting here! Can't imagine what our lives would be like without Shining Stars. I love how hands-on the therapists are with my children. I can watch my boys in the gym while they are in therapy. My boys love the gym!
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I love everything about Shining Stars Pediatric Therapy! Especially the staff’s openness to questions and ideas for things we can try at home. Management and office staff is wonderful too!