Children's Advocate

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Huntsville, AL 35804, USA

About Children's Advocate

Children’s Advocate for Special Education, I will advocate for you. As a former public school collaborative teacher with extensive Special Education experience, my expertise supports parents when learning, instruction, and or academic success becomes an issue.

I believe if your child has...

AlabamaHuntsvilleMadison Countyspecial educationadvocacy


Dr. Jordan has been working with our family since my son was in the first grade. I originally contacted her because I was hitting a brick wall with the HCS system. My son, who has high functioning Aspergers, needed a classroom aide. The school system insisted that he could only have an aide if we placed him in a contained autism unit. Dr. Jordan set everyone at the meeting straight regarding the laws and least restrictive environment, and he got an aide until he began middle school and the IEP team agreed that he no longer needed one. He just graduated with a 4.3 GPA, 3rd in his class, and obtained a full tuition scholarship at UAH. I attribute most of his school success to having the correct accommodations and proper support through the years, which would not have been possible without Dr. Jordan.

Reviews (1)

Dr. Jordan has been working with our family since my son was in the first grade. I originally contacted her because I was hitting a brick wall with the HCS system. My son, who has high functioning Aspergers, needed a classroom aide. The school system insisted that he could only have an aide if we placed him in a contained autism unit. Dr. Jordan set everyone at the meeting straight regarding the laws and least restrictive environment, and he got an aide until he began middle school and the IEP team agreed that he no longer needed one. He just graduated with a 4.3 GPA, 3rd in his class, and obtained a full tuition scholarship at UAH. I attribute most of his school success to having the correct accommodations and proper support through the years, which would not have been possible without Dr. Jordan.
AlabamaHuntsvilleMadison Countyspecial educationadvocacy

About Children's Advocate

Children’s Advocate for Special Education, I will advocate for you. As a former public school collaborative teacher with extensive Special Education experience, my expertise supports parents when learning, instruction, and or academic success becomes an issue.

I believe if your child has...

Our Team

Dr. Deborah Horton Jordan

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