Kansas City Speech Professionals

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11111 Nall Ave # 222, Leawood, KS 66211, USA

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About Kansas City Speech Professionals

Dyslexia testing, comprehenseive dyslexia diagnostics, dyslexia therapy, dyslexia evaluations, speech therapy, articulation evaluation and therapy, tongue thrust therapy, voice therapy, speech teletherapy, contract speech language pathologists, stroke rehab, KC speech, kcspros, Kansas City speech professionals

KansasLeawoodJohnson CountyDyslexia testingspeech therapy
KansasLeawoodJohnson CountyDyslexia testingspeech therapy

About Kansas City Speech Professionals

Dyslexia testing, comprehenseive dyslexia diagnostics, dyslexia therapy, dyslexia evaluations, speech therapy, articulation evaluation and therapy, tongue thrust therapy, voice therapy, speech teletherapy, contract speech language pathologists, stroke rehab, KC speech, kcspros, Kansas City speech professionals

Our Team

Dr. Stacy Cates
Dr. Amy Burns
Dr. Maureen Beery
Speech-Language Pathologist
Leksi Macan
Speech-Language Pathologist
Kellie Deutsch
Speech-Language Pathologist
Kelsey Hall
Speech-Language Pathologist
Celeste Hills
Speech-Language Pathologist

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