Children's Speech and Rehabilitation Therapy

5.0 (4) 4
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191 Forest Avenue -Suite 2B, Locust Valley, NY 11560

About Children's Speech and Rehabilitation Therapy

Children’s Speech and Rehabilitation Therapy is a NYS approved Early Intervention agency that provides evaluations and home-based therapeutic intervention for children aged birth to 3 through the Nassau County Early Intervention Program who have or are suspected of having a developmental delay and/or disability.

New YorkLocust ValleyNassau Countyspecial needsearly intervention


Our child's therapist "was the best thing that happened to us! We truly believe it is because of her patience, positivity and skills that my son is speaking so well today!"

Reviews (4)

Our child's therapist "was the best thing that happened to us! We truly believe it is because of her patience, positivity and skills that my son is speaking so well today!"
The therapists the agency chose for my son were wonderful. They developed a great relationship with him and helped him progress so quickly.
New YorkLocust ValleyNassau Countyspecial needsearly intervention

About Children's Speech and Rehabilitation Therapy

Children’s Speech and Rehabilitation Therapy is a NYS approved Early Intervention agency that provides evaluations and home-based therapeutic intervention for children aged birth to 3 through the Nassau County Early Intervention Program who have or are suspected of having a developmental delay and/or disability.

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