Park County School District #16

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2107 Idaho St, Meeteetse, WY 82433, USA

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About Park County School District #16

Park County School District #16 is located in Meeteetse Wyoming. Our district consists of one preK-12 grade school that serves 110 students.

We believe that educating students must move beyond any core-curriculum and provide the skills necessary to be successful in the future, no matter which direction a student may go. To that end, we have developed the profile of a Meeteetse Learner based on the core elements of SEEK, SOLVE, and SERVE.

WyomingMeeteetsePark Countyspecial education..learning disabilities
WyomingMeeteetsePark Countyspecial education..learning disabilities

About Park County School District #16

Park County School District #16 is located in Meeteetse Wyoming. Our district consists of one preK-12 grade school that serves 110 students.

We believe that educating students must move beyond any core-curriculum and provide the skills necessary to be successful in the future, no matter which direction a student may go. To that end, we have developed the profile of a Meeteetse Learner based on the core elements of SEEK, SOLVE, and SERVE.

Our Team

Shane Ogden
Ernie May
Special Education
Zeb Hagen
Tammy Schlenker
Compliance Coordinator

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