NEKITS is Infant Toddler Services of Kansas serving Northeast Kansas (formerly known as 'tiny-k'). Our professional staff provides home-based services to infants and toddlers ages birth to 36-months old in these Northeast Kansas Counties: Atchison, Brown, Doniphan, Jackson, Jefferson, Nemaha, USD 322, USD 343.
Early Intervention, Speech Pathology, OT, PT, Dietician, Social Work, Early Childhood Special Educator, Kansas Tinyk Part C early intervention program.
NEKITS is Infant Toddler Services of Kansas serving Northeast Kansas (formerly known as 'tiny-k'). Our professional staff provides home-based services to infants and toddlers ages birth to 36-months old in these Northeast Kansas Counties: Atchison, Brown, Doniphan, Jackson, Jefferson, Nemaha, USD 322, USD 343.
Early Intervention, Speech Pathology, OT, PT, Dietician, Social Work, Early Childhood Special Educator, Kansas Tinyk Part C early intervention program.