Mindwise Tutoring

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Pepperell, MA 01463, USA

About Mindwise Tutoring

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MassachusettsPepperellMiddlesex Countyspecial educationdyslexia


John L.
January 1, 2023
I worked with Mrs. Harrington for 3 years in middle school. I am now going to be a freshman in college. All throughout high school I received academic support but working with Mrs. Harrington was a completely different experience for me. School has always been a struggle for me and I’ve never been the highest achieving student when it comes to grades but working with Mrs. Harrington truly changed my outlook on schoolwork.

Reviews (1)

John L.
January 1, 2023
I worked with Mrs. Harrington for 3 years in middle school. I am now going to be a freshman in college. All throughout high school I received academic support but working with Mrs. Harrington was a completely different experience for me. School has always been a struggle for me and I’ve never been the highest achieving student when it comes to grades but working with Mrs. Harrington truly changed my outlook on schoolwork.
MassachusettsPepperellMiddlesex Countyspecial educationdyslexia

About Mindwise Tutoring

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Norma Harrington

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