Law Office of Michelle Ball

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717 K St #228, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA

About Law Office of Michelle Ball

Michelle Ball, student education attorney, helps with expulsion, suspension, special education, sports and school issues across California.

CaliforniaSacramentoSacramento Countyeducation attorneyspecial education


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Michelle changed our lives. Thank you for your service! Your letter to the school helped us to obtain the adequate accommodations for our son and a new beginning.

Reviews (2)

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Michelle changed our lives. Thank you for your service! Your letter to the school helped us to obtain the adequate accommodations for our son and a new beginning.
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Michelle found us an out and won my son’s position to stay in the district!ln a heartbeat, I would recommend Michelle Ball for any family who would ever need an educational lawyer!
CaliforniaSacramentoSacramento Countyeducation attorneyspecial education

About Law Office of Michelle Ball

Michelle Ball, student education attorney, helps with expulsion, suspension, special education, sports and school issues across California.

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