Therapist at TSN are very experienced. My daughter’s OT sessions are very engaging and well thought out. Even the adults enjoy his sessions. The Therapist plans each session to address the areas of development needing attention.
Reviews (46)
June 1, 2022
Therapist at TSN are very experienced. My daughter’s OT sessions are very engaging and well thought out. Even the adults enjoy his sessions. The Therapist plans each session to address the areas of development needing attention.
Matthew Brown (Managing Director)
June 1, 2022
Specialist has been treating my son Martin (12yrs old), who was diagnosed under PDD. Over a period of time Martin has shown excellent progress in areas of self-regulation, planning and organization, motor control, executive skills and overall personal confidence.
Marcus’s mum and dad
February 26, 2010
Our million thanks to TSN – Occupational Therapist. My son, Marcus Lee was diagnosed in 2006 by KK Hospital on the spectrum of mild autism with several speech delay... we noticed great changes in Marcus.
Muthu and Parvathy
June 1, 2022
Our daughter was diagnosed with possible ASD after which we met specialist. She was about 21 months then. She has been making steady progress thanks to the therapist who was able to communicate effectively with her.
Muthu and Parvathy
March 1, 2023
We are really glad we met the specialist. She has been making steady progress. The specialist is really good working with her and able to communicate with her to get her to communicate.
Matthew Brown
March 2, 2023
Our son has shown excellent progress and accomplishments. We have been very impressed with the problem-solving approach of the therapist.
Marcus’s mum and dad
March 3, 2023
Since we approached TSN, we noticed great changes in Marcus. The therapist is very experienced and willing to share the skills to help our child improve.
March 4, 2023
The therapist at TSN are very experienced. My daughter’s OT sessions are very engaging and designed around games which make learning fun.
Emily M.
September 15, 2023
The support my son received was incredible! The staff is so dedicated.
John D.
September 1, 2023
Great place for therapy, my daughter has shown immense progress.
Matthew Brown
October 10, 2023
The specialist is really good working with my daughter, very proactive about follow-ups. We are really glad we met him.
October 10, 2023
I have been very impressed with the problem solving approach and the progress my son has made.
Cheryn & Family
October 10, 2023
The OT sessions are engaging and very well thought out, even the adults enjoy them!
October 10, 2023
Thank you teacher! You have opened the beautiful world door for me. I am much better and stronger now.
Marcus's Mum and Dad
October 10, 2023
Therapist is very experienced and knows the best approach for our child. We have seen great changes since we approached TSN.
Jane Doe
January 15, 2023
The support my child received here has been life-changing.
John Smith
February 20, 2023
Excellent services tailored to individual needs.
Emily Johnson
March 10, 2023
The therapists are incredibly supportive and understanding.
Michael Lee
April 5, 2023
A fantastic place for children with special needs.
Muthu and Parvathy
September 6, 2022
Our daughter has been making steady progress with the help of the specialist. We are really glad we met him and appreciate his understanding and proactive follow-ups.
Marcus's Mum and Dad
February 26, 2010
Since I approached TSN, I noticed great changes in my son Marcus. The therapist is very experienced and knows the best approach for our child.
Matthew Brown
January 15, 2021
Martin has shown excellent progress under the care of his specialist, with improvements in self-regulation and overall personal confidence.
Muthu and Parvathy
February 10, 2021
We are really glad we met the specialist. Our daughter has made steady progress and the therapist is very proactive and understanding in follow-ups.
February 1, 2021
My daughter’s OT sessions are very engaging and well thought out, designed around games that work on essential skills and are enjoyable.
August 12, 2021
It has been so great to work with you over the last 18 months. Your talented strategies have made a positive impact on my children.
Jane Doe
October 1, 2023
The support provided at Therapy Network has been a game-changer for my child. Highly recommended!
John Smith
September 15, 2023
A wonderful place with dedicated staff who truly care about the children's progress.
Matthew Brown
January 1, 2023
We are really glad we met the specialist. He has helped our daughter make steady progress with her communication skills.
January 1, 2023
My son has shown excellent progress in self-regulation, planning, and overall personal confidence with the OT's help.
Cheryn & Family
January 1, 2023
The OT sessions are engaging and thoughtfully planned. My daughter loves the games and looks forward to each session.
Marcus's mum and dad
January 1, 2023
Since approaching TSN, we've seen great changes in our son. The therapist is experienced and very willing to help.
John Doe
April 14, 2023
The support services provided by Therapy Network have been transformative for my child! Highly recommend!
Jane Smith
May 20, 2023
Great place for children with special needs. The staff is very understanding and dedicated!
Muthu and Parvathy
September 6, 2022
Our daughter was diagnosed with possible ASD. She has been making steady progress. The specialist is really good at working with her; he understands, judges, and communicates effectively. We are really glad we met the specialist.
Muthu and Parvathy
October 1, 2023
She has been making steady progress. Her doctor couldn’t believe the progress she had made when she saw our daughter during our revisit just 3 months later. Specialist is really good working with her.
Cheryn & Family
October 2, 2023
But now I know that with your lessons in my brain, your kindness in my heart, and your pray in my soul, you have opened the beautiful world door for me. I am much better and stronger now to reach my destiny. Thank you teacher!
Samantha (mother of 8-year-old daughter with ASD)
October 3, 2023
Therapist at TSN are very experienced. My daughter’s OT sessions are very engaging and well thought out. Even the adults enjoy his sessions.
Sarah J.
January 12, 2023
The support my child receives is amazing! We are so grateful for the staff's dedication.
James T.
January 15, 2023
Really helpful services and caring staff. Would recommend to others.
Matthew Brown
October 1, 2023
Therapist is really good working with her. He is able to understand, judge and communicate effectively with her.
October 2, 2023
We have been very impressed with the therapist's problem-solving approach and the strategies developed to help Martin understand concepts.
Cheryn & Family
October 3, 2023
My daughter’s OT sessions are very engaging and well thought out. The sessions provide opportunities for development through play.
Marcus’s mum and dad
October 4, 2023
Since we approached TSN, we noticed great changes in Marcus. The therapist knows the best approach for children and is eager to help.
Sarah Johnson
October 15, 2023
Therapy Network has been a lifesaver for my child with autism. The personalized approach really made a difference!
Michael Rivers
October 10, 2023
Great resources and support for children with learning disabilities. Highly recommend!
Muthu and Parvathy
September 6, 2022
We are really glad we met the specialist. He has helped our daughter make steady progress and has been very open and understanding with our concerns.