Child Development Center

5.0 (4) 4
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3802 Princess Pl Dr, Wilmington, NC 28405, USA

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About Child Development Center

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North CarolinaWilmingtonNew Hanover Countyspecial educationearly education


Joanie Redmond
January 1, 2023
When my children started going to the CDC, they had no language and my son had really bad behavioral issues. At their graduation from the CDC, Kylee and Aiden were both talking and Aiden’s behavior had reduced dramatically.

Reviews (4)

Joanie Redmond
January 1, 2023
When my children started going to the CDC, they had no language and my son had really bad behavioral issues. At their graduation from the CDC, Kylee and Aiden were both talking and Aiden’s behavior had reduced dramatically.
Andrea Terrill
January 2, 2023
I couldn’t be happier to be a CDC Parent and Baker is continuing to thrive in his elementary school environment. My family is so incredibly grateful for CDC for equipping my son with the life skills and academic experience that he needed to be successful.
North CarolinaWilmingtonNew Hanover Countyspecial educationearly education

About Child Development Center

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