ABA Therapeutics

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Woburn, MA 01801, USA

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MassachusettsWoburnMiddlesex Countyspecial education..autism support


Mother of 3
Enrolling with ABA T has been the best decision for not only our son but our whole family. Their team has helped us understand the needs of our youngest child in such a positive way that our home feels more at ease. The excitement over progress and creativity has been contagious. I no longer feel panic when challenging moments begin. I’ve been given tools to support my child. I now have an understanding for why behaviors are occurring and how to use challenging moments to teach alternative skills. There has been a lot of emotions from the time of diagnosis through the journey of forming a support team that seemed to have constant turn-over and mixed message from providers, then to finding ABA T were my son immediately felt comfortable and began making noticeable progress. Having a place where my son can go where I know his needs are being met, progress is being made and seeing his huge smile when seeing his ABA staff has been such a gift.

Reviews (2)

Mother of 3
Enrolling with ABA T has been the best decision for not only our son but our whole family. Their team has helped us understand the needs of our youngest child in such a positive way that our home feels more at ease. The excitement over progress and creativity has been contagious. I no longer feel panic when challenging moments begin. I’ve been given tools to support my child. I now have an understanding for why behaviors are occurring and how to use challenging moments to teach alternative skills. There has been a lot of emotions from the time of diagnosis through the journey of forming a support team that seemed to have constant turn-over and mixed message from providers, then to finding ABA T were my son immediately felt comfortable and began making noticeable progress. Having a place where my son can go where I know his needs are being met, progress is being made and seeing his huge smile when seeing his ABA staff has been such a gift.
4th Year ABA T Employee
Working for ABA Therapeutics has been so great for my career path in behavioral health. ABA T has allowed me to gain confidence with my clients, co-workers and BCBA supervisors. I’ve always felt supported. It’s so encouraging to know that no matter what challenges my clients face, I will be given the tools to ensure they make progress & overcome. I’ve learned to celebrate each success big or small as a team. The Person-Centered-Planning used at ABA Therapeutics’ is an approach I’ll be able to apply throughout my career that will motivate me to remain creative and supportive each workday.
MassachusettsWoburnMiddlesex Countyspecial education..autism support

Our Team

Donna-jo “Dj” Bateman

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